Friday, July 31, 2009


My ears are bleeding from hearing and seeing the same song everyday... Jenna just loves The ketchup song and i play it on youtube whenever she is fussy,or i need to use the restroom,when she is not eating.....this song can totally stop her meltdown any time..oh im so grateful for the song,but im tired of hearing it again and again... and hey she loves only the spanish version..we tried the english version but somehow she doesnt show the same enthusiasm.Do you know we have a Jenna 's playlist on the ipod.?.we connect to the car stereo and whenever she is bored or fussy in the car,we play it and immediately she keeps quiet..when she was 3 months old we used to play the nursery rhymes but now she is too much into english and bollywood songs.She has a long list of bollywood songs and it will take an entire post to just name it.. so i will leave it there.. And Happy Weekend everybody.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


There was a time when i was worried that Jenna is not babbling much and when i asked the doc he said her little brain is concentrating on motor skills.. now that she has reached the important milestone ''walking'',she has now turned her focus on verbal skills.. she is babbling to glory most of the time.. she says abbbaaaabba so loudly... she can say one word when we ask her to repeat names ,for example she can say ca sounds kaa when we say cat,for baby she says papa,,fish she says shh .. today morning an interesting thing happened,my hubby had left for office before we got up.. she usually sees him first in the morning since i sleep an extra 15 mins ; ) anyways she got up and the first word she said was DA {pause} DI..imagine my surprise... she usually says abba and no i was not jealous she didnt say mama,ok wait! maybe i was a teeny weeny bit,then i told her daddy has gone to office and she replied back OFFF ,sounded like ARFF... though some times her babbling sounds gibberish,nothing makes me more happy....

Monday, July 27, 2009


We had a fun and frolicky weekend in the park.We packed our lunch and had it in the park,it was a beautiful day ,not too hot... Jenna usually cries when we allow her to walk in the park andlike everytime she did not want to get down but once she got used to the grass she started walking and did not stop unless she tripped and fell.. she was so tired walking that once we got into the car,she slept...We went to a botanical garden but unfortunately it was closed.. so we got back home..Yesterday we took Jenna to the pool,as usual she loved it and didnt want to get out of the pool.I really dont know how weekend flies...sigh!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Do u know i m a chronic back pain sufferer?It all started when i delivered an 8 pound baby..thats what the dr said, my tail bone had fractured since she was a big baby.. Along with the joys of motherhood,came this back pain.. but my delivery was easy -peasy ,thanks to the invention of epidural,i never felt a thing .BJut back in the post -partum room,i had severe back pain and when the nurse told me to rate my pain between 1 to 10 i said 11,because it was that painful.. anyway back home when i was supposed to rest,i couldnt sit or lay straight on the bed,after 10 months of sleeping on your side ,i so badly wanted to sleep straight on my back and couldnt..getting up after sitting would take hours for me,and when i was all alone in my room with Jenna in the crib,i couldnt get up to go and carry her and i would scream for my mom to come and carry her... the worst part was the ''kirr kirr''(thats how it sounded)everytime i get up after sitting down..err!i learned to live with the pain but the sound drove me nuts... Dr explained that like with all fractures it takes months to heal and this its not a bone,a cartilage.. so it should heal soon with exercise.. so why am i talking all this crap??Its because the pain has started from the past week ,once i stopped going to the gym,thank god no ''kirr kirr'' sound yet... so its time to revisit the gym from next week... im so damn lazy and i dont wanna go but thinking about the pain,i better buck up and hit the gym..till then pray for me the pain keeps it pace and doesnt shoot up..

Wednesday, July 22, 2009



Tuesday, July 21, 2009


This happened a few weeks ago and i wanted to write it here but it jus passed my mind, and another incident happened yesterday so i was reminded of the previous one too... let me start... if u had read my previous posts u would know Jenna says Amma a.k.a mom to me and Abba a.k.a dad to my hubby... so coming to the incident,as usual i put Jenna to sleep and put her in the bed and got up to leave the room,then Jenna suddenly puts her arm over my neck like she is hugging me and she is still sleeping and she says AMMA... I teared up only to get caught by my hubby who asked why are u crying ? But me being too chicken to say i cried said ''no i have a cold... : > and yesterday night she got up countless time in her sleep,crying and going back to bed i was tired ,all of sudden i get up frantically,thinking Jenna crawled out of the bed and has fallen down ,only to see she is sleeping peacefully next to daddy.... so i go back to bed and the next minute,she gets up scared and is crying AMMA and searches for me... what can i say?the bond between a mom and baby exists even after the umblical cord is cut... nothing makes me more happy than being a MOM.

Friday, July 17, 2009


This week i got to do few things i love,i got to read a full novel... Yipee! I should thank Jenna since she is in bed by 8.30 PM so i get to read for sometime in the night,the other day i was awake till 12.oo to jus complete the novel... i was so engrossed in it and i wanted to finish it ... and my hubby loads the dishwasher and gives me sometime to read.. so thanks to him too... then i got to finish the long pending forensic exam which i have been putting off after Jenna's birth and scored a 90% .. not bad huh!I have one more unit to go in this exam ... so wish me luck..!And Happy weekend everybody.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


We just got back from the park and guess what this time Jenna did not sleep in the swing, she enjoyed .... We went to this new park which we havent gone before and i was surprised to find most of the indian community there... they have some sought of moms meet up in the evening .. i got to meet some very friendly moms there and i would love to continue to go the park but the only problem is its 25 min walk from my house.. so if u know me personally u know i would never make an attempt to walk so long... so jus thinking whether i should really leave behind my laziness and start walking to the park atleast for Jenna 's sake.. she loved looking at the kids and playing in the swing....lets see or i guess i will just wait until my hubby is back from office and takes us to the park..this works out easier atleast for me...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Finally ,we were able to get a video of Jenna walking.. check out..


Do you know that i have started brushing Jenna 's pearly whites?Yes, i got the toddler brush and Grins and Giggles tooth paste and brush her teeth everyday in the morning . She opens her mouth and co-operates so well.... i have brushed my friend 's son teeth and it was a wrestle with him... so im surprised that Jenna is so co-operative... she definitely is a dentist's daughter.. i even massage her gums and she doesnt not bite my fingers..Her upper two teeth will be here anytime soon ,thats what i except ... for now its only two teeth brushing... its good they develop good oral health habits from the time they are babies so they know that this is part of their daily routine... coming to myself, i remember i am a dentist only while taking care of my family 's teeth... should hopefully resume back to work atleast when Jenna is a year old... hmm thats not far off!

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Though im feeling sick,its itching to write,cold,sorethroat,bodyache .. nothing can stop me.... im falling sick after two long years,so i really forgot how sore throat feels... yesterday i was terribly sick and i couldn't tend to Jenna properly ,so i called my hubby from the office to come to rescue and he took Jenna out so i could get some rest..yesterday she was in her peak activeness and i was unable to manage...btw Jenna is walking alone.. yup at 9 months,dr said only if she takes 6 steps its considered walking but she takes more than 6 steps so for the record she is officialy walking. But she does go back to crawling if she wants to reach an object faster.Then,i made a yummy chocolate cake on Friday and it tasted yum but i didnt make the frosting ,jus plain chocolate cake ,next time i got to try the chocolate frosting...

Thursday, July 9, 2009


This was on july 4th during the fireworks........ we had a great time..Jenna didnt cry when the fireworks were going on .... This place was just ten minutes from our house but our ride back home took an hour since the traffic was like crazy and Jenna made up for not crying during the show by crying throughout the ride.... cant blame her ,even i didnt feel like sitting in a very slowly moving car for an hour.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009



Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I had seen the memorial of micheal jackson today on tv, it was so sad... when his daughter Paris cried saying he is the most loving dad anyone could get ever get,i started crying too and i bet anyone who saw the young child crying would have moved to tears... coming to micheal jackson ,i guess mj 's dangerous was my first english album i ever heard .... it is so sad and unfortunate that his life has come to an end .... though he has left the world his music will live on forever... and like his brother said atleast now the media and the others will allow him to rest in peace.. until now i have not blogged anything other than motherhood but after seeing mj 's daughter cry the mother in me jus wanted to hug her and say everything will be alright....Hope God gives his family and children the strenghth to bear his loss..

Monday, July 6, 2009


Jenna has turned 9 months old today.... i jus cant believe that there is only 3 months more for her first birthday.... phew!time runs so fast... She now weighs 20 pounds 6 0z.The following are the milestones she has reached

1.She can pull herself to stand and can even climb on stuffs.. the other day she climbed onto the dishwasher when i was loading it.

2.She has started to cruise and stands without support and can take two steps.. then she falls down and is back to crawling.

3.She loves to talk like mommy,keeps babbling and can say duck,amma ,pappa,mama..tata

4.She can clap her hands,raises her arms to give high five and can wave buh bye too..

5.She loves to play wth older kids...

6.Her favourite song of the month is still the same ava enna thedi and has started watching barney videos too....

I Guess thats enough of me bragging...happy 9 month old baby..


I have been M.I.A for the past 3 days.... jus enjoying the long weekend... We had been to the beach on friday... first time going to the beach with Jenna. She enjoyed in the water well but when we were posing for the photo a big wave splashed in her face and she started crying and didnt want to go anywhere near the water after that.... but we still had a great time...On saturday, we had gone to the JULY 4th FIREWORKS... WOW! it was amazing...Jenna didnt cry and enjoyed the show... and yesterday we enjoyed in the pool.... Jenna had a gr8 time splashing around and didnt want to get out of the pool.... it was a great weekend..couldnt have asked for more!pics coming up..

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Im happy Jenna inherited one quality from me....AHEM! ok from both of us,the love of reading books...if u find her sitting silently by herself she will be with a book for sure.. when its bedtime i read to her the books and she waits till i finish and turns the pages.. Her favourite books are GOOD NIGHT MOON and PAT THE BUNNY...i can vouch for these books and im sure any kid will get hooked on to the colourful pictures in the goodnight moon book and the pat the bunny book has activities,there is a page where there is a small piece of cloth over the boys head to play peek -a -boo...Nowadays if i find her running to the kitchen or bathroom,i say ''Jenna i m going to read the paul and judy book(characters in the pat the bunny book) she immediately comes crawling to me.. though this doesnt happen everytime.She jus loves reading to her... we have only few books so thought i will go the library today to get some books for her...Soon time will fly and she will be reading novels or gossip magazines like me... i love GOSSIPS...temme which woman does not like gossip???

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


This is what she does if u put her in the swing.... SLEEP!