Jenna is now 11 months old..only 27 days left for her 1st birthday..woohoo!
She is now walking fast...looks like she is running sometimes..nowadays when we go to the grocery store ,she refuses to sit in the cart and wants to walk alone,does not even allow us to hold her hand.. cant believe she has become so independent...
She can wave her hand and say hiiiiiiii and buhh bye,cattt (cat),nuni(water)
She does the action of climbing up spider in the itsy bitsy spider song after seeing the video of the guy reciting the song with actions for the nth time..
She loves indian food even though its lil spicy..
As usual she loves looking at pictures in the book.. recently her favourite ones are peekaboo baby and dora goes to the beach..she looks at dora in the tv and says agga (akka) which means sister in our native language.. she is learning so many new words everyday..
Happy 11 month baby...