Friday, October 29, 2010


We went to the pumpkin patch in our neighbourhood and Jenna was excited too though she did not know what to expect.This time it was not so much fun.. Last time the pumpkin patch we went was better. They had pony rides and we could feed the farm animals. Here it was just few creepy halloween stuffs and nothing else : ( Jenna was terrified when she went near the dracula and it started talking and it took a lot of convincing from us to make her stay ,she started crying that she wanted to go back home. After sometime she was back to normal, and started picking her own pumpkin.. she said one for Daddy,one for Mommy and one for Sana (Jenna).. Sweet : )

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Today was Jenna 's 2 year old well check,and as usual when we entered the parking lot Jenna started crying that she wanted to go home and the crying carried on for the next one hour .

Jenna now weighs 24.7 pounds and is 34 1/2 inches in height.She does not seem to be gaining much weight and that worries me.She has become such a picky eater,she loves all the junk food and i'm to blame for that since i'm not a healthy eater either.I try my best to give her vegetables and fruits but she has become very persistent,if she does not like it she will not eat it.

Her vocabulary has increased suddenly and she puts two or three word together.She says her name is Sana instead of Jenna(we are still working on the J). She say Sana wants to go out,Sana wants milk,Sana sleepy... i love when she talks like this.

We have even experienced the toddler tantrums in public and it makes me go crazy,but i just keep reminding myself that this is just a phase.

She can sing the entire alphabet song and can count till ten.She is an amazing dancer ( I'm not bragging ) I'm sure u will accept if u see her dancing : )

And as i told in my last post we are still working on the potty training and soon we will succeed : )

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Yes, we are back from our 2 month vacation.It was fun and me and Jenna didnt want to come back.

I haven't been able to blog in India much since i was busy the last few weeks meeting friends and relatives.But now im back to the grind .So let me start with the updates...

~Jenna is now 2 years.We had a birthday celebration in India with friends and relatives.It was fun...

~I have put on weight which is good since i have had people asking me that whether i was sick and why i have lost weight..

~Jenna is officially weaned now... She stopped nursing herself 2 weeks short of her 2nd birthday and i did'nt do anything to stop her nursing.. I love that she weaned herself and there were no tears..

~Jenna is not completely potty trained ,she is mostly in her underpants and will tell me that she wants the diaper when she wants to pee.If i make her sit in the potty she does not want to go.We are almost there and i hope she gets trained soon.