I did not cry like a baby when Jenna bit me while nursing...OUCH! It did not hurt me one bit..
I did not give Jenna some of my chocolate ice cream and mango pastry in the birthday party.. no NOT ME! NO to sugars until 2 years old.
I did not allow my laptop to babysit Jenna until i finished my house chores.AGAIN NO tv/laptop until 2 years old.
I did not write an earlier post in my blog about how i wished to sleep some more time..secretly wishing my hubby would read my post and allow me to sleep some more time... which he DID NOT and allowed me to sleep till i wanted..
I did not do the dishes for the entire day and waiting till my hubby would see the sink loaded with dishes and later load them in the washer.. NOT ME! I do all the house chores...
I did not brag to the lady in the park about how Jenna crawls and cruises at 8 months... nope NOT ME! ITS MONDAY.
Thanks to MckMama for this wonderful creation.. accepting our imperfection in motherhood once in a while makes me feel sane... hope everyone had a gr8 weekend!