Monday, June 29, 2009


This weekend was very hectic for me... jus doing household chores like vaccuming,laundry,doing the dishes.. and we had additional chores to the list,i packed the clothes which does not fit Jenna anymore and the jungle gym and jumperoo which she does not use anymore.You might wonder whats so hectic about this ,but people who know me know the fact that im one lazy person and this week i did it all alone since my hubby is sick and i didnt want to disturb him... Im slowly transforming into a somewhat independent person without expecting my hubby to help me.. lets see how it goes...OH ! btw my post is titled as good job just to applaud myself(no one else does ; )

Friday, June 26, 2009


We do not allow the laptop to baby-sit three children in my house but we do allow this in other people's house....anyway who am i kidding ? This happens everytime we are unable to manage the kids.......yea i know, im a bad mom.....

Thursday, June 25, 2009


When Jenna was a newborn,there were times i wished she could be awake for sometime and i would sit staring at her eyes for long but now she is playing and becomes so overtired that she does not want to settle for a nap..oh how i wish she can sleep for an extra half an hour during her naps,so that i can rest or spend some time online....Her naps have now become from 3 to 2.. A nap in the morning for half an hour and in the afternoon for one hour or so...but she sleeps in the night well so i cant complain...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I just met a long lost friend while me and Jenna went out for a stroll... I jus happen to bump into this person every 6 months,though we exchanged numbers to keep in contact ,we both lost our numbers and its been 9 months since we when i met her i got superexcited since i dont have much mommy friends here and the few friends i knew left to India and the irony here is they are also leaving ..too bad i finally met them when they are leaving... the reason why i was excited,since she too has a daughter and they speak our native language (tamil)so u know??.Anyway we again exchanged numbers and this time i walked with her to my house and told her to drop in anytime,incase she loses the number again...hehe..



Monday, June 22, 2009


We have a shy person at not me...i really dont what shy is.On the day of my marriage,all my cousins asked me to stop smiling and giggling at everyone and feel shy..uh oh!NOT ME!I CANT EVEN ACT LIKE I'M SHY. On the other hand my hubby ,was not even smiling and everyone was pulling my leg saying he is feeling sad since he is marrying you...not sure why he was dull but that is the question you have to ask him, coming to the shy one.. its Jenna...oh she sure doesnt have my gene on this one.. I have seen that if we go anywhere and people talk to her saying how cute and adorable she is ,she bends her head and starts smiling,looks at them and bends her head again,i m not sure she understand what they are saying but she sure does really have to see to believe.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Since i didnt do a wordless wednesday,i thought i will do a photo friday....this pic was taken last week... she enjoyed the ride thoroughly and was shaking the car to move even after the ride stopped..

Thursday, June 18, 2009


I was not able to post anything yesterday since i really didnt feel like but today i feel so much better.. u know how sometimes human mind goes wacky... ???AND YAY!SUMMER is here ,though it officially starts on june 21st(i really dont understand y they give a date in the calender as FIRST DAY OF SUMMER.)If u know ,pls tell me why?Anyways.. the weather is so good,waiting to go out for a stroll with Jenna.. Her swimsuit and float is ready,though we dont have a pool in our apartment,we are waiting to go the beach or the pool this weekend...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I m so pissed at myself.... for depending so much on others all my life long.

I m worried that i will be a bad example for my daughter.

I hate the fact that im lazy and im amazed and jealous at others who can do it and im not able to. Kudos to all single moms and super moms.

I m just plainly irritated and think im a BIG LOSER like my bro said...

I m so sorry if i have bored the few readers of my blog with such an annoying post but i really have no other place to put my thoughts. So thanx for bearing with me.

Monday, June 15, 2009


Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did not cry like a baby when Jenna bit me while nursing...OUCH! It did not hurt me one bit..

I did not give Jenna some of my chocolate ice cream and mango pastry in the birthday party.. no NOT ME! NO to sugars until 2 years old.

I did not allow my laptop to babysit Jenna until i finished my house chores.AGAIN NO tv/laptop until 2 years old.

I did not write an earlier post in my blog about how i wished to sleep some more time..secretly wishing my hubby would read my post and allow me to sleep some more time... which he DID NOT and allowed me to sleep till i wanted..

I did not do the dishes for the entire day and waiting till my hubby would see the sink loaded with dishes and later load them in the washer.. NOT ME! I do all the house chores...

I did not brag to the lady in the park about how Jenna crawls and cruises at 8 months... nope NOT ME! ITS MONDAY.

Thanks to MckMama for this wonderful creation.. accepting our imperfection in motherhood once in a while makes me feel sane... hope everyone had a gr8 weekend!

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Have you ever wished you were single again?Sometimes i wish i was single again... that doesnt means im fed up with this mommy thing,Not at all.... but some days i wish i can curl up in the couch and read a book,watch a tv show uninterrupted,take a long bath,sleeping till 10 in the morning,woken up by my mom in the morning with some yummy breakfast...sometimes i wish i was back in my old life.. but never will i trade my life now for anything else... if ur reading and wondering then why im feeling like this... its just that i didnt sleep properly last night since Jenna got up atleast ten times... (she does that if she doesnt sleep by 9 in the night.)Is there any wrong if i feel like this? : (

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


This pic might be hazy but i like this coz its the first time i see her fighting for a doll which wasnt hers at all...Btw the other kiddo is Diya.
Dont they look adorable?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I asked Jenna give mommy a kiss and showed my cheek and the girl who usually gives a wet smack on my cheek,actually bit me... OUCH! Btw she has two teeth... the lower central incisors.... this was my first bite from her and my hubby got bitten yesterday while feeding her and he said it hurted like hell.... this is our first bite and i guess there are many more to come.....i was jus thinking thank god it was jus two tiny teeth,imagine getting bitten when they have a whole set of teeth.I will post pics of her two teeth soon.....

Monday, June 8, 2009


Jenna has turned 8 months,she weighs almost 20 pounds and here is the list of things she can do...

1. She can crawl and pull herself up to stand, and she can even stand without support for few seconds.

2.She can climb the big empty diaper cardboard boxes but is clueless how to get down.

3. She loves to eat indian food and is not a big fan of the baby food.

4.She claps her hand

5.She babbles a lot...

6. Her favourite song of this month is varaan varan poochandi and favourite video is crazy frog.

I really cant believe in another four months she will be a year old.... Time is flying...

Friday, June 5, 2009


Yesterday i bought the JOHNSONS bedtime bath and lotion which says it has the calming scents which helps babies sleep better so i thought i would try it for Jenna .. btw Jenna gets up only once in the night for a feed.. so she does sleep well, but i wanted to give it a try,so i bought one. It has a lovely lavender scent which calms and relaxes everybody and she smelled so good and when it was actually bedtime,she didnt want to sleep. Her usual bedtime is 9.00pm but she finally slept at 11.00 pm.I guess the lavender scent had an opposite effect on her and she became so active and was playing till 11.00.But the scent from her actually made me sleep better... maybe i should start using it too.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


We had a visitor today... a very small visitor,it is a squirrel.It had been a regular visitor before we left to India .I used to give the squirrel honey bunch of oats and it used to love em.. But after coming back i found the squirrel missing... Yesterday my hubby lay few french fries on our patio for the squirrel ,thinking it would come back...and it sure came back today morning to eat the french fries.When the squirrel used to come before,Jenna had no interest looking at it but now she does..when i showed her the squirrel she got super excited.

She started tapping the glass door and scared the squirrel away,,, poor squirrel ; ) .I doubt whether the squirrel would come back.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I m feeling so tired, i had a very busy day running behind Jenna who is constantly pulling up to stand holding all the furnitures she comes across... even right now as im typing this she is pulling out all the dvds from the tv stand... i let her do it and im not going to disturb her because i know even if i bring her and put her in a different place,she will crawl back to the same position.Im really thankful to God she has not yet identified the fire place yet... we have put few boxes in front of the fireplace so she does not see it... Sometimes it is so funny,she holds on to the chair and looks so terrified knowing that she will fall any minute and then she falls on her butt and then she is again trying to stand though she jus fell..And if she sees me in the kitchen , within the blink of an eye she will be in the kitchen pulling herself up holding on to the dishwasher. Nowadays my house is in such a mess that if my mom sees it ,i will get an earful of how to keep the house clean but i cant help it...there are toys and dvds strewn across the floor,u will wonder whether there was an earthquake in our one told me it will be difficult to manage once they start crawling...