Monday, August 31, 2009


Has any of the following happened to u before?like..

a)wiping ur own mouth after feeding ur child..

b)feeding one child when your supposed to feed another child..(i did this the other day ,i was feeding my friend's son strawberries and all of sudden i was forcing strawberries into Jenna's mouth)

c)Going into the room to pick up something and suddenly not knowing why you came in..,

Does this happen to anyone?...Am i plain weird?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


With only 6 weeks left for Jenna's birthday,im going crazy deciding upon which theme for the birthday?,who to invite,where to conduct the jus going bonkers $&^##@... i thought this is easy ,i can do it..but i must say its a lot of tough work.. though Jenna wont remember her first birthday party,i want it to be a memorable one for all of us..When she grows up and looks at her birthday photos i dont want her to tell,''mom,u seriously did that theme for my first b'day..''Moreover only the first few birthday we can decide what to do,after that they decide...initially i thought i will do Glamourcat as theme bcoz she loves cat and can say cat too but somehow my bro nd hubby dont want it.. so thinking about princess or rubber ducky theme...soo confusing.Yet to decide what cake to buy,food,what to put inside the goodie bags.... OMG!I hope i decide soon..

Friday, August 21, 2009


Today is my mom and dad's 29th anniversary and im here thousand of miles away from them...

When i was living with my parents i didnt do anything great for them,maybe we all would go for a dinner but thats all .. me and my bro didnt do anything special and i so feel guilty about it.Anyway my bro called me yesterday and said he was planning a surprise party for them and i was like DARN! why didnt i think about it .. so he made some of his friends and my mom's friend to come over and he got a cake for them ,later ticket for a movie... when they got home we had arranged a lovely mediterranean dinner...(this was my idea ).My parents had a great time and my dad thanked me but i didnt do anything just financial contribution.. oh! how i wish i was there with them .... sometimes it really sucks being far away from ur loved ones...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009



Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Jenna has been cranky for the past few days.. i blame it on the teething,what else?? Her upper two incisors are coming out ,one of them has peeked out a little too..
She has not been sleeping well in the night and yesterday night was the worst,she was up every two hours and i didnt sleep well too.
She has a drool rash because of the constant drooling and feeding her has become a challenge as she bites everytime.
She doesnt not take the teether or the cold washcloth.Her lower teeth came out without a problem and i hope this comes out sooner too .
Many more teeth to come and many more sleepless nights.. i bet the molar tooth will hurt more when it erupts..Hmm.. hope the next 16 teeth comes out with a problem.

Friday, August 14, 2009


The other day someone was telling me about Italian food and they said i wil surely love them since i love cheese.. and yesterday all of sudden i started craving pastas... i have these sudden cravings at times... like eating hersheys chocolate yogurt at 11'o clock in the night..(PLS dont get crazy ideas in ur head since i mentioned craving... it happens to me always ...pregnant or not.. Surprisingly i didn't crave much during my pregnancy.. Anyway i called up my hubby who gave me the green light to go to Olive garden today though there is plenty of food at home..So jus getting ready for the yummy dinner...

p.s:thanx to my hubby for obliging to all my crazy cravings..

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I have been M.I.A for the past 3 days since we were busy camping at the Sequoia National Forest.It was first -time experience for me and Jenna and we truly enjoyed it.
Our travel was delayed by 4 hours and by the time we reached the campsite it was midnight and we had to set up the tent which took another two hours.Our campsite was beautiful,secluded and it had a stream running behind but on the downside the forest ranger warned us that the site had many bears visiting due to the stream behind.One of our friends got to see a bear too.

Jenna loved playing with the rocks and the stream behind our campsite. It was freezing cold in the night ,we spent our night around the campfire eating burgers,barbequed chicken,tomato soup.... yumm!

We spotted many deers too around our campsite.

In the morning we set out on a hiking trail to see the Sherman tree which is the largest tree on earth. It was a totally different experience for me and it made me realize what a luxurious life we have and makes me appreciate more the comforts we have in life.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Yipee! Jenna turns 10 months another 2 months ,she will be a year old.. can you believe it...??She is constantly on the go since she started walking...

She now weighs 22 pounds..

She says few words amma,abba,cat sounds like kaat,make sounds like kirr when asked how does the car go..?

She can wave bye bye and can sign come here...

Its been a month since she started walking and has completely forgotten crawling..

She makes sound like muuah when asked for kiss..

She loves home made Indian food and is not a fan of the jar food..

She loves to be around people everytime...

Nowadays,it is a challenge running behind her but i would never trade this life for anything..

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I just love this video and wanted to share it with others. As you can see the squirrel is absolutely terrified of her, and you can see her signing to the squirrel to come by waving her hand.

P.S -The credit goes to my hubby for getting such a candid moment between them.

Monday, August 3, 2009


When me and my hubby thought it was high time we clean up our acts for being late every time we had a get-together with friends we ended up being too errrr on!... ok so we decided to leave early for the barbecue on saturday evening but guess what... the friend who organised the barbecue had ended up giving a wrong location ,so we were searching for the location for 2 hours and got together with the other invited people who were just lost like us and later we called the organising friend to come and take us to the spot.. but guess what he lost his way too while taking us....grrr!this was a big lake and he took us to one end whereas the spot was on the other end... i have never ever walked so much in my life.. my legs hurt like hell and Jenna did not want to sit in the stroller, finally we ended up taking turns carrying her until we reached the spot..we just stayed there for an hour coz my hubby was going for the soccer match.. so we didnt get to stay long as we had to leave early!

The next day was our friend 's baby shower... she had time and again warned us to be on time,considering our previous records for turning up late... so we got up at 5.30 in the morning,so we all dressed up on time and was there at 8.00 perfectly,only to find there was no one there in the location where it was supposed to be held...then called up my dear friend who said she was just starting from home... anyway the baby shower was gr8,only thing i had to keep running behind Jenna who was walking super fast... i know its tiring to read such a long post,imagine how tired i would be by just being there and writing it too.....