Saturday, November 21, 2009


I have been busy the past week ,doing lot of things... like what u may think?studying...i finally finished my forensics diploma program last week and i got my graduation certificate thru mail... im planning to do a masters in oral biology which is the best bet for me ,since i dont have the heart to do the whole dentistry course again for 4 years.. its an on campus course so i might join only after i put Jenna in pre school.. until then i have to collect all the paper work and give my toefl exam ....

Besides that i have been reading... one question people ask how u have the time to read.. but its actually its how u find the time for urself.. im incredibly lucky since Jenna sleeps early.. she is in bed by 8.30 and after finishing household chores i browse,read.. its my lone time and i luv that time when the house is silent and i can read .. Right now im reading the twilight series and im so into ..i knew it was some teen fiction and wanted to know what the hoopla is about and started reading...the book is so addicting...i have to write a seperate post about the book.,,its that good..

Coming to Jenna she always want to go out to play.. she carries her shoes and my handbag and comes to me and says amma buh bye... she jus enjoys being outdoors unlike me.. i jus like to curl on the couch and read and watch tv.. her personality is developing so rapidly now... she cries until she gets what she want... she will make u laugh by making silly faces or running around the house with a towel over her head.. she has become one naughty brat ;)


  1. how sweetly she's comin n givin u d bag n askin her to take out!!!take her out athika!!!! clever baby noes how to get her things done!!! hehehehe!! y u not in india??? ;( cha!! i cant watch all those funny faces n her runnings!!! athika plz do take video ov dat n mail me!!! plzzzzzzz........ kids should be naughty brat!!! awesome jenna!! keep going!!! luv you!!!!

  2. i will be coming in July to India... u can take her out for however long u want... i will have a break ; )

  3. sure!!! u can ve long break!!! :)yaaaay!!! i ll ve fun :)
