Jenna is now 14 m0nths old..She weighs around 22 pounds .Her milestones for the month are
1.She can climb on the couch or bed and get down by herself. Im relieved that now she knows to get down by herself,a month back she used to climb and was clueless how to get down,now she has figured her way out.
2.Her vocabulary is increased so much..she says mumm mumm when she's hungry,nanni when she wants water..if she falls down and i ask her ''Are u okay Jenna?''.. she replies''' kay''.She says the last or first words of any word.. whichever is easier for her to tell.. for instance, rice she says ice,banana as nana.
3.She calls my bro as mama which means uncle in our native language.
4.She eats cookies,oranges by herself.. she also got to taste her first lollipop,but im terrified and it was the only time.
5.She now takes only one nap a day but sometimes two. I secretly wish she takes 2 naps a day so that i have some time to sneak into facebook..or watch tv..