Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Last time when we went to get Jenna 's haircut it was a total nightmare... she screamed all the way through and the lady stopped halfway and said she could do no more since she was not sitting still.So we brought her home with haircut half done but neverthless the lady charged us entirely.. Anyway this time i did'nt want to take her to the same place and did some search on the net for someone who specializes in baby haircut and i found a place very close to my place called Little Kuts. We made an appointment and seriously i was dreading the day because i was sure she will cry again. The place is very baby friendly.. they have lot of toys for the kids to play and they have this cute horses and ducks and the children can sit on them and have their haircut... how cute is that!! But anyway Jenna did not want to sit on that,so she sat on daddy's lap and she cried but not much, she stopped once she knew that no one was hurting her.The lady who cut her hair did an awesome job.. We wanted her hair cut short since its getting pretty hot here ... She looks little boyish now but her hair was way too curly and it was kind of messy always.. now its kinda neat.


  1. She looks gorgeous! It is good to see another mom dreading long , curly messes especially during the summer!Have you had people tell u to stop cutting her hair, because it is boyish? Well, gear up, girl, because u will hear plenty of it .Just stay your ground! Now my little darling is finally convinced she should have short hair atleast for the summer,as she just did not like it all sweaty and long and irritating her neck .Kudos to moms who do things even when it seems everybody else is ganging up on you! hehehe.
